Amazon UX

This is a temporary and unlinked page to discuss some of the UX/UI work I have done for Amazon. 

Is this a gift?

Situation: The checkout pipeline included a gift-wrap step that interrupted the purchase experience.

Behavior: I designed the gift-wrap purchase experience to integrate into the user’s shopping experience by surfacing the option in relevant areas of the site. My design solution offers users the option to flag if they have gifts in their cart that don’t interrupt the checkout process. I quickly iterated high-fidelity mock ups that were able to be tested and implemented in a short amount of time.

Impact: The gift-wrap experience I designed helped streamline the checkout process and is still being used.



Situation: Build UX for a deep and complex self-service system.

Behavior: I was engaged at the beginning of this effort with high levels of ambiguity while nimbly navigating changes in priorities and target audiences. I provided multiple prototypes and rapidly iterating from the feedback from the team.

Impact: The system was delivered on time with the UX I designed being robust enough to grow through several additions of functionality over the last year.

Because I can’t share visuals due to confidentiality, two key people I worked with on this project have kindly said they would be happy to discuss my work with you if you chose to contact them.

Michael Cloonan:

Francisco Peredo:


Situation: The Broadcast team wanted to improve engagement and discoverability.

Behavior: I worked closely with the Broadcast team to successfully elevate the Broadcast visual design and user experience from both a viewer and video owner perspective. I delivered a high volume of prototypes for complex user flows and deeply investigated options for archiving and transferring videos as well as other aspirational experiences.

Impact: The redesign I delivered surfaces more videos to the user, improved the navigation experience as well as the user’s experience when uploading a video. The video page I designed now offers multiple levels of engagement from streamlining and surfacing comments, flags, ratings, feedback and more.

Broadcast Video Landing Page

Broadcast Upload a Video


Situation: Improve engagement of SD3 level users and identify overall experience improvements

Behavior: Through exploring new solutions to increase customer engagement, I discovered multiple improvements to the existing features and experience. I provided relevant and actionable designs with detailed solutions for tags, favorites and the navigation bar as well as expanding the user profile experience.

Impact: My work provided valuable solutions that ensured the team could quickly align on goals, provided clarity on the customer experience and served as guidance for developmental sprints.

Increase engagement

Top Menu Update

Tag Actions

Internal Search

Situation: Relevant content is being missed or ignored due to not being surfaced high enough in search results.

Behavior: Using project requirements and user stories I provided mockups that reflected the maturity of the project phase. I designed a viable UX solution to surface content in that didn’t overwhelm while providing relevant search results to be surfaced higher on the page. My prototypes included solutions for property specific search results as well as a robust filtering system that gave context to the expansive vision document.

Impact: The team was able to move quickly to their goals and my designs lay the groundwork for the future of Internal Search.

View the full walk-through PDF.


Situation: Wiki was in need of UX solutions for a critical new feature as well as improving the WikiHelp experience.

Behavior: I quickly produced a viable streamlined UX solution for the integral Page Move (Modify) feature as well as redesigning the Help page and how users access user guides. I provided prototypes for multiple improvement areas within Wiki including page creation, as well as multiple UX solutions to reduce trouble tickets.

Impact: The Page Move (Modify) feature was able to be delivered on time, the WikiHelp and User Guide sections now offer more clarity and ease in finding relevant information quickly.

Page Move (Modify) Feature

WikiHelp Landing Page

Page Help Feature

WikiBot Concept

I designed the Wikibot avatar and proposed the concept of using a bot to assist users in converting Wiki pages into the New Wiki format while reducing the amount of tickets filed for simple fixes and known issues. This feature could lay the groundwo…

I designed the Wikibot avatar and proposed the concept of using a bot to assist users in converting Wiki pages into the New Wiki format while reducing the amount of tickets filed for simple fixes and known issues. This feature could lay the groundwork to collect user feedback and information to help inform future features and continually improving the product.

Trainer Engine

Situation: UX solutions were needed for easily scheduling trainers and reviewing the status of available trainers.

Behavior: I designed this new module to help users quickly identify what trainers were needed for a session and enable users to reach out to new and previous trainers for their sessions in-line. My solution for Trainer Health exposes relevant data about the trainers in the user’s network that can be easily read and acted on.

Impact: Users are able to quickly act on scheduling trainers and filling any gaps in their trainer retention as well as review their trainer data at a glance in one location.

Schedule Trainers

Trainer Health


Situation: Users were struggling to craft relevant queries which effected results.

Behavior: In this quick-turn project, I produced work flows and prototypes that effectively refined the query building experience to eliminate confusion when creating a query and results presentation.

Impact: My work eliminated confusion in building queries resulting in increased user confidence.

Insights Flow

Insights Query Builder