Web Design
The following are examples of CMS websites I designed within Squarespace, Shopify and Drupal frameworks.
Pony Tail Sportswear
Technology driven approachable luxury best describes Pony Tail Sportswear western equestrian riding gear. I spearheaded all aspects of the visuals from the logo, ad creation and photoshoot direction to website and promotional materials for this equestrian start up. As a revolutionary product in the western riding industry, the company is committed to change how people should expect to feel after a long day of riding.
BIOFIN is a collective that works with global leaders and countries to find and raise funding to create better biodiversity in which people can thrive. Working with FuseIQ I was engaged to design a website for this massive site. Rich with photography and seemingly abyssal content, I designed a site that could work on varying internet speeds around the world on a Drupal framework.
You Matter
You Matter is a personal passion project I created to communicate the concept of our connected humanity. Textiles of this project are available on Redbubble.