Kimiko Energy Works
After designing Kimiko’s brand and website for her energetic healing work, she asked me to design her office to complement her visual and brand goals.
This project required me to utilize my visual design skills as well as my UX skills (and some sewing skills). Important considerations were how the client would feel and move within the space, the small footprint and verticality of the office, and maintaining privacy while utilizing natural light.
The Experience of the Space
Feeling “empowered” and “supported” are two guiding principals for this design while considering how clients use and move through the tiny space. Seating is a cornerstone consideration due to most of the client’s experience in the space will be from where they are seated. The chairs achieve the goal of evoking being held and supported all while touching into the feeling of sitting on a throne. For the client, I chose a chair that was a little larger in width with a high back. For Kimi, I chose a regal chair with a tufted back that fit her frame. Both chairs are in luxe and richly colored fabrics with hand made or hand-embellished pillows. Take a brief tour.
The first time I walked into Kimiko’s space it was visually cold, sterile and lifeless. The complete opposite of Kimiko and the service she offers. The impersonal and clinical feel was not representative of the brand, Kimiko or the goals for the space.
Practical Considerations
Where would the client and Kimiko put their bags or coats? How reachable are tissues or a pen and paper? What would the client focus on visually during the session? What seating would make the client feel empowered and safe?